One positive result of the mRNA debates is that it is dawning on more and more people that we are in the captive grip of Big Pharma. If there is a theme to all these medical news posts here, that is it.
Vaccines, vaccines, vaccines.
Piles of post-election medical news here. I shall leave the Trump cabinet nominations to regular news channels, msm and alternative, to debate. There is a lot of other stuff that you should know.
1. Infamy
This piece of garbage was the lead article in the most recent publication of JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association-- possibly the most influential medical journal in the world.
The one piece of useful information it contains: the new Covid variant is named something-or-other, and it appears to act just like all the rest.
I am shocked and dismayed at the blatant dishonesty displayed in this article. I ask you to read it, just to see how far we have fallen.
I am more convinced than ever that we must leave this medical system. And yet, these are the people who have spent years, presumably, studying physiology, molecular biology, virology, organic chemistry...what are we to do when this knowledge is lost?
JAMA is too esoteric to be read by most rank-and-file physicians on a regular basis. Yet the elite reads it, and its austere wisdom filters down, through news aricles, continuing medical education lectures, and drug rep spiels, to every medical practitioner in America.
I am not going to pick out quotes from the article to post here, but please read it, or at least take a look. Again, how far we have fallen.
I will post the "conflict of interest" disclosures they provide for the three main "experts" quoted in the article:
Conflict of Interest Disclosures:
"Dr. Hanage reported serving as a paid scientific advisor to Merck Vaccines, Shionogi Inc, Pfizer, and Biobot Analytics, a company in which he holds stock options."
"Dr. Chu reported receiving personal fees from AbbVie, Vindico, Ellume, Medscape, Merck, Clinical Care Options, Catalyst Medical Education, Vir, Pfizer, and Prime Education. "
"Dr. Sato reported receiving consulting fees from Moderna Japan and Takeda and honoraria for lectures from Moderna Japan and Shionogi."
" No other disclosures were reported."
This is a disgrace.
I’ll restrain myself beyond saying this: How could things have gotten so far out of hand?
2. Dr. KB Stoller on HepB vaccines for 1-day-old infants.
I transcribed this clip to be able to share it easily. All are welcome to use this transcript.
DR. KB STOLLER: I was just like you and all the other pediatricians. But in 1990, the hepatitis B vaccine came out, and --you know, I had originally wanted to go into research, and I had tried to get an IRB on one-day-old infants, and it's virtually impossible to get an IRB on one-day-old infants. So, the first thing that crossed my mind was, "how the hell did they get an IRB to do a clinical study on one-day-old infants?"
Well, they didn't! The clinical study they did had nothing to do with one-day old infants. It had to do with children, the oldes wa 11, and there were, like, 140 subjects which they followed for four days. That was their safety study, which is obviously not a safety study. I thought it was my duty to obtain infomermed consent for this new vaccine.
So I remember spending about three months on-and-off trying to find anything in the medical literature that justified giving this vaccine to a one-day-old infant. And I couldn't find anything.
And one day, you know, the little devil on my shoulder, said, "Soooo, you think you're such a good researcher? You can't find anything. You're not such a good researcher." And then the little angel said, "Well, maybe he can't find anything because there's nothing to find."
And suddenly, you know, the light bulb goes off. "Oh my God. There's nothing to find. "There's no justification for giving this vaccine to all one-day-old infants. This vaccine is a scam!
"What about if the kid becomes a paramedic, a nurse, a firefighter, an IV drug user? Or a prostitute? That vaccine will help them." NO IT WON'T! Those antibodies that you give the infants and children --those antibodies are gone by the time they're teenagers. So you can't even use that as a rationale.
So the reason that vaccine is given to one-day-old infants is only about money. There are about 200 women a year who give birth with chronic active hepatitis. Theoretically, those are the only babies who might need the hepatitis B vaccine.
You can't make a gazillion dollars just selling 200 vaccines a year. So somehow they got approval to sell it to everybody.
And so what happened with me, was, well if that vaccine is a scam, are these other vaccines that I've been blindly giving-- are they scams? So one by one I started researching these vaccines, and I realize, they're all scams too!
DR. PAUL THOMAS: Not a single one has a proper placebo trial. The trials are short. The trials only look at pre-specified outcomes. So if the vaccine causes something that they're not looking for, it's just written off as coincidence.
(Dr. K.P Stoller, who practiced in Taos, New Mexico, and Dr. Paul Thomas, who headed a busy pediatric clinic in Milwaukie, Oregon, lost their medical licenses because they gave options to parents to refuse vaccinations for their children.)
My note. There we have the crux of it. These are our children. WHY ARE THERE NO GOOD STUDIES?
3. Along Similar Lines: Aluminum
“According to the FDA, the maximum aluminum per kilogram of weight to give to a person is up to 5 micrograms. And any product that has more than 25 micrograms of aluminum is supposed to have a warning label stating that ‘aluminum may be toxic to the central nervous system and to the bones.’ However, vaccines, for some reason, are not required to have this label and are not required to follow the maximum dosage of 25 micrograms.
“… So, doing some math and following the 5 micrograms per kilogram maximum allowable parenteral dose of aluminum, the following are examples of weight with their corresponding maximum levels of aluminum, per the FDA.
An 8-pound baby, 18.16 micrograms of aluminum.
15-pound baby, 34.05 micrograms of aluminum.
30-pound toddler, 68.1 micrograms of aluminum.
50-pound child, 113 micrograms of aluminum.
150-pound adult, 340.5 micrograms of aluminum.
350-pound adult, 794.5 micrograms of aluminum.
All right.
Here we have the aluminum content, currently-required pediatric vaccines:
I found this hard to believe. But here is the paper:
According to this paper:
Why are there not 100 papers??
I did find some aggressive “fact checkers” who dismissed the whole thing. That tells you something.
Upon what are “safe” levels of aluminum determined?
Google AI says:
“Aluminum can accumulate in the body if the gastrointestinal barrier is bypassed, such as through intravenous infusion or in people with advanced kidney disease. Aluminum can also accumulate in people who are exposed to high levels of aluminum, such as those receiving total parenteral nutrition.”
These are our children.
Why do we even need to debate this? DO THE STUDIES AND THEN TAKE ACTION.
People ask me: are you an anti-vaxxer?
Answer: I don’t know. Reliable studies have never been done. You know why. But we need to know honest answers.
If there is one positive outcome from this mass mRNA poisoning, it is that people are questioning the very foundations of the rationale behind vaccines. We need good research here. To our dismay, we are discovering that we don’t have it.
4. I hate to be Such a Downer: Bird Flu
All this for BIRD FLU? This is why they are pushing bird flu; so they can launch self-amplifying mRNA vaxx. Cynical and brutal.
Then they will have a ready-made technology when they launch the next pandemic.
Can no one control these people?
Some lines from the article:
Epidemiologist Nicolas Hulscher: "The replication machinery of self-amplifying vaccines behaves "like a synthetic virus" and "allows for an unknown period of toxic antigen production."
"With self-replication it can become immortal, forever antagonizing your — or your fetus' — immune system with antigens."
Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D.: "It's possible for exosomes to escape the human 'host' and transmit — or 'infect' — other humans or even animals," Jablonowski said. "A scary scenario involves hybridization where the self-replicating mRNA could be incorporated into an existing infectious virus. ... If the self-replicating mRNA teams up with a successful existing virus, it will alter Earth's virome."
"In clinical trials (in Japan) for the self-amplifying COVID-19 vaccine offered in Japan, "five deaths occurred among the injected in study phase 3b. Injected participants experienced a 90% adverse event rate (74.5% systemic, 15.2% required medical attention) after the first dose in study phases 1, 2, and 3a combined."
"Not mentioned in Arcturus' press release is a 13-month, $928,563 grant the company received last month from the Gates Foundation for "vaccine development.'"
Hulscher: Big Pharma is pushing for their continued development. "With at least 33 self-amplifying mRNA injection candidates in development, they have invested far too much time and money to back off," Hulscher said.
"Arcturus is actively engaged with the U.S. government to prepare for the next pandemic," Joseph Payne, president and CEO of Arcturus Therapeutics, said in the company's statement. "Self-amplifying mRNA technology is a key step in this important process."
5. Metabolic Theory of Cancer
This is the bright spot. People are beginning to pay attention to a fundamentally different theory about the pathogenesis of cancer.
All of the current painful, expensive, and mutilating cancer treatments are based on the idea that cancer originated with a single defective, mutated cell. The cell, injured by its defective nature, usually added to by hits from the environment, forgets to stop reproducing, and eventually takes over the whole body, killing the person. Therefore, the strategy has been to kill the defective cells.
By contrast, the metabolic theory of cancer posits that the injury is not caused by a genetic injury to cells, but rather by injury to a PART of the cell, the energy-producing part of the cell called the motochondria. It suggests that there is likely nothing wrong with the cells —no genetic, DNA defect— but that, LIKELY AN ENVIRONMENTAL INJURY, has caused the mitochondria not to be able to produce energy in the usual healthy way. So, the mitochondria, to preserve life, fall back on the ancient pathway used by bacteria called fermentation. This shortage of energy to the mitochondria causes cellular changes which manifest as cancer.
In other words, cells struggling to survive in an oxygen-depleted environment abandon their commitment to the larger organism, and try to preserve their line by producing as many copies of themselves as possible.
Somebody else said this a few year ago:
This is it.
The metabolic theory of cancer places the blame squarely on TOXINS ON OUR ENVIRONMENT.
Treatments are aimed at undoing this damage.
But you know the ultimate cure. It is: cleaning up the world and returning to the Earth.
You can read my longer posts here:
Sorry ... one more thing. There is an extremely promising cancer drug that was developed maybe 16 years ago. 3bp (3-bromopyruvate). It was discovered by a grad student (Young Ko) 25 years ago, but her story is like a lot of other stories that we summarize as "people with power and money stopped its production."
Here's what she says on her website ( "My immediate plan is to develop 3-BP anticancer technology for global commercialization to help as many cancer patients as possible. In 2000, I discovered that the small molecule 3-bromopyruvate (3-BP) is a highly potent and effective anticancer agent with preferential selectivity for cancer cells. 3-BP works by targeting the most common property of cancer cells - their markedly elevated capacity to metabolize glucose and glutamine. It enters cancer cells quickly via mono-carboxylate transporters (MCTs) and immediately targets the mitochondria. It does all of this while leaving most normal cells unharmed. As I have continued to study and research the unique qualities of 3BP, I have come to believe that there are three potentially significant opportunities for the use of this molecule.
My research continues to confirm the powerful potential of 3-BP as an anticancer therapeutic;
I also believe that there is a strong potential for 3-BP to act as an immunological modulator; and
I believe that 3-BP may also function as a metabolic modulator which may correct abnormal metabolic functions."
Also, ketosis seems to offer a differential advantage, even if one decides on conventional treatments for cancer. Healthy cells run well on ketones, but cancer cells can't ferment ketones, and also require more glucose to run (because of the fermentation inefficiency). Ketosis apparently protects healthy cells from chemotoxins, maybe giving them a fighting chance. Otherwise, it's just a race to a photo-finish, hoping the chemicals kill the cancer before they kill the patient.